Amazing space desktop backgrounds

Amazing space desktop backgrounds

Amazing space desktop backgrounds

Amazing space desktop backgrounds

Amazing space desktop backgrounds

Amazing space desktop backgrounds

Spiral Stars This spiral disk of stars, dust and gas is , light-years across, or nearly twice the diameter of our Milky Way galaxy. Space can be beautiful. Aurora Australis photographed from the Space Shuttle in May This image was taken within minutes of Mars' closest approach to Earth in 60, years on Aug. Our Gigantic Sun Sometimes we remember how small we really are, and, just like that, our everyday annoyances don't seem that important anymore.

Amazing space desktop backgrounds

Amazing space desktop backgrounds

Amazing space desktop backgrounds

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The blue haze seen around Pluto may be caused by sunlight-initiated chemical reactions between nitrogen and methane, leading to dusty particles in the atmosphere. More from Space UGC lies 2. Star Wars Return of the Jedi We couldn't put together a list of space wallpapers and leave out our favorite fictional intergalactic images from Star Wars. We're using cookies to improve your experience. At 2, light-years from Earth in the Constellation Monoceros, the Red Rectangle presents an uncommon sight. Many of these photos came from Hubble, a telescope that orbits our planet, snapping the deepest views of space that we have ever seen.

Amazing space desktop backgrounds

Amazing space desktop backgrounds

Amazing space desktop backgrounds

Amazing space desktop backgrounds

Amazing space desktop backgrounds

backgrounds desktop Amazing space